Hi all wonderful supporters!
Some exclusive content for you fine fine people. My entire performance at the world council for health! ENJOY xx
Alistair, I love your Christian perspective to comedy and conspiracies. I would suggest following Owen Benjamin (he has a telegram channel, etc). I think you would be inspired by his style, but also be able to apply it in your own direction. Though I like most of his topics, I do not follow him closely because he is not a Christian. He used to be big in the entertainment circles, but now, he is a heavily banned comedian who has found ways to regularly broadcast from his family farm in Idaho. He has some innovative ideas for keeping on the air, and for gathering community, as well as being on the cutting edge of banned topics such as: petroleum is not from fossils, there is no radiation in nuclear blasts, panda bears are a fake species, and fake moon landings. Though considered extremist, right wing, and racist, he has an uncanny ability to see through the matrix narratives to truth. I think you would benefit from following his topics and ideas for applying your own Christian spin. ...